Our CEO Dr. Dhires Kumar Chowdhury attended A Thought-provoking Panel Discussion on “Paradigm Shift in Geriatric Care” at 7th Health Tech Summit – 2024 organized by Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries on 1st March, 2024 at The Park Hotel as a panelist along with other accomplished co-panelis Ms. Nilanjana Maulik: Secretary General of the Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India, Calcutta Chapter, Ms. Sukanya Chakravarty: COO of InvictIQ, a leading dementia care solutions provider, Ms. Geetanjali Sen: Renowned academician and author with expertise in gerontology, Rj Arvind : Popular radio presenter at 94.3 Radio Nasha The panel discussion was Moderated by Aninda Das, Vice President Marketing of Infinity Group.
Getting this prestigious opportunity is definitely a honor and credentials for Banchbo healing touch.
Dr. Chowdhury have highlighted the following points in favour of the Paradigm Shift in Geriatric care:
✓Giving importance to geriatric care in this sort conferences is an example of a paradigm shift.
✓ Geriatric care is also being considered at the level of discussion at different university levels, Dr. Chowdhury himself have participated in such discussion meetings in different universities, it also proves how the issue is gaining importance day by day.
✓ Paradigm shift in geriatric care If you see one thing, you can understand that it is the advertisement of old age home in the Sunday special page of the newspaper. Even a decade ago, a small corner of a newspaper would have seen 2/3 of the inconspicuous advertisements.
✓ Increasing number of Elder care support providers in our city Kolkata and other cities in last 5/6 years. But most of them are providing mainly odd job support and very few are providing Health care support. Not affordable for common people.
✓ Community Living for older people are also increasing but majority of them are targeting NRI based affluent society.
✓ Increase demand of Home based care or support.
✓ Increasing number of Ayah and Home Sister providers but without minimal regulations
✓ Special emphasis on Geriatric care by corporate hospitals, special OPD, department and facilities
✓ Attractive offers by Health Insurance company but high premium.
✓ Establishment of Geriatric Super Speciality in Medical Colleges like in our Medical College Kolkata
✓ Specialized support providers like Dementia, Parkinson’s etc but till now severe lack of such as per need
✓ We are mainly targeting the affluent seniors in the discussion, but a large proportion of seniors fall into the very low income group. When discussing geriatric, that part must also be taken into consideration. There is no paradigm shift in that sense for this part. Rather, their condition has worsened.
✓ There is a minute difference between elder care and geriatric care. Although geriatric care is an integral part of elder care but the main basis of geriatric care is health care, most elder care providers very consciously exclude this part.
✓ This paradigm shift comes almost out of necessity. As the number of elderly is constantly increasing, it is absolutely necessary for the elderly to be well for sustainable development.
✓ This paradigm shift comes almost out of necessity. As the number of elderly is constantly increasing, it is absolutely necessary for the elderly to be well for sustainable development. Therefore, this change has not come consciously, rather it has come according to the demands of the times.
✓ Not only Health care sector but almost all other sector is targeting this potential section of the population for their business.
Link of the Edited and Highlighted vidoe presented by the Jagriti Dham https://youtu.be/d0brAUU0YhE. My presentation time 17.03 to 24.13.