How THelp

Your sponsorship enables a child to grow up in an VIKASHITA family, receive the best possible education and become a responsible adult. Your support provides physical, material and more importantly emotional well-being of a child.

The moment you become a child sponsor, you receive the following:

  • First, some background information about the child
  • Regular communication from Coordinator of Vikashita Project.
  • A personalized progress report of the child after each academic session.
  • A season’s greeting card with a drawing by your sponsored child and a detailed report on the developments taking place at the Vikashita project.

With the help of kind donors like YOU, Vikashita Project of Banchbo has been able to provide the best possible care to many children. As a result our children are well settled in the mainstream society and this is all because of donors like you.

Donors have also the possibility to visit the Vikashita School and see so with his own eyes the programs implemented by the organization in support of the local community.

Sponsor a child with only INR 1000 a month in Vikashita project.

Sponsor a child with just INR 12,000 a year in Vikashita project.

Every time you sponsor, you help us ensure every child has a fair chance to a healthy life. Your donation reaches children and gives them the strength to bloom in every aspect. Please help us to help them… ?

Memorial Educational Scholarship

A unique opportunity to dedicate your love for your near and dear ones. You can offer educational scholarship under “BARIYE DAO HAAT (SNEHO) INITIATIVE” to deserving students in need by naming the stipend in memory of those close to your heart. This scholarship is offered to meritorious but economically weak students ( secondary & above) for pursuing higher studies specially for Sunderban & Jangal Mahal Area.

Sponsor a student with only INR 5000 for 1 year.

Sponsor a student with only INR 10000 for 2 years.

Your sponsorship enables a youth to grow up in skillful training programme under Banchbo School of Human Skill Development (BSHSD), receive the best possible scientific & professional training and become a responsible skillful dedicated personnel which give them opportunity to get a dignified earning option.

The moment you become a student sponsor, you receive the following:

  • First, some background information about the trainee
  • Regular communication from Coordinator of BSHSD Project.
  • A personalized development report of the trainee after each academic session.

With the help of kind donors like YOU, BSHSD Project of Banchbo has been able to provide the best possible care to many children. As a result our trainees are well settled in the mainstream society and this is all because of donors like you.

Donors have also the possibility to visit the BSHSD and see so with his own eyes the programs implemented by the organization in support of the marginalized youth.

Sponsor a trainee with only INR 5000 for entire training.

Please Donate to our Cause of serving the needy elderly by selecting a particular Program and supporting as many elders as you wish to, or by simply making the donation to Banchbo to enable it to carry out both of our Programs and Advocacy work.

Project: Health check up camp for marginalized elderly which include General & Specialized Free Consultation, Free Medicines, Free ECG & Free Basic Blood Parameters for marginalized elderly section in both remote rural area & slum area.

Sponsor a Senior with only INR 5000 for Advocacy

Sponsor a Entire Camp for Seniors with only INR 50000 per camp

Sponsor a Camp Medicine Cost for Seniors with only INR 15000 per camp

Sponsor a Camp ECG Cost for Seniors with only INR 5000 per camp

Sponsor a Camp Blood test Cost for Seniors with only INR 10000 per camp

During our General & Special Health check up initiative in different remote rural areas, if it is found that any senior citizen requires referral medical consultation / treatment in secondary & tertiary hospital preferably in Kolkata based Government or non profit medical institution, in such cases our organization is trying to give basic logistic support & advocacy for marginalized seniors from remote area.

Sponsor a Senior for advocacy support with only INR 5000

Since 2005, our organization involved in Educational project in the name of Vikashita – a brighter future through supplementary school for complete development (Vikashita) of marginalized kids of Sundarban at Indranarayanpur village, Patharpratima block.

Recently we received a plot of land at Pancham Bazar near Indranarayanpur from local resident Mr.Apurba Gatait as recognition to our more than decade work in upliftment of local kids, youth & elderly in education, cultural & health sectors. Now we are constructing our first phase of school building at the donated land which will be also a skill training centre to provide different sorts of professional technical course i.e. Certified Nursing Training for local youth collaboratively with Noble International University, Canada.

We appeal to you for your generous support & valuable guidance to fulfill our dream of school building.

To know more about how you can help, you can write into us at or call at 09007012490

It’s easy to get involved. Your time can achieve as much if not more than a simple donation when you persuade others to join you. Fund-raise through sponsored events; ask your company or school to choose Banchbo as one of the charities it supports; instead of giving someone a gift, support a mother or a child in their name. Be creative!

Banchbo welcomes interest from everyone, but has found that it can be counter productive to use volunteers in the field unless they have directly relevant experience. Banchbo does, however, always encourage anyone interested in its work to come and see its projects at first hand.

If you are interested in volunteering or in an internship or simply in visiting Banchbo, please do Contact Us.

Banchbo encourages students, researchers and volunteers to do electives and internships throughout the year in a mutually agreed upon terms and conditions. Students and researchers from reputed academic institutions across the globe can approach Banchbo for their engagement as intern or volunteer for a specific period of time. Those having experience / interest in the areas of mother & child health, elderly health, nutrition, education and protection, may apply for an internship. The intern / volunteer would be able to experience working with poorest of the poor communities, mostly children, women, adolescent and elderly both in rural and urban locations.

It is mandatory for the students / researchers to send a letter of intimation from their concerned institutions to the Chief Functionary of Banchbo stating the purpose and duration of the proposed internship at least one month in advance. The CV of the students / researchers is also required to be attached with the letter. The confirmation of proposed internship / research work would be sent after reviewing the documents.

Volunteers who are willing to contribute to skill building for Banchbo colleagues in areas such as documentation, data analysis, action research, proposal development and website management are always welcome. Additionally, Banchbo encourages its interns / volunteers to fund-raise actively for Banchbo both before and after their internship.

The interns / researchers / volunteers may request for accommodation in locality near by Banchbo project area (subject to availability) and also fooding facility on payment of necessary charges at per. They would also be required to meet all other expenses related to travel, internet access etc.

It is highly desirable that the interns / researchers / volunteers would abide by the policies, rules and regulations of Banchbo. Please send the internship request along with cover letter and CV to the address mention below through post / courier / email.

The Chief Functionary,
Banchbo Sociocultural Association,
54, Baroda Avenue, Garia,
Kolkata, West Bengal,
PIN – 700084